Four in 10 people in poverty do not have a computer and many don’t know how to operate one. Upward mobility often comes from digital access and competency.
PCs for People is a national computer refurbisher with an impressive community support model that’s been at work for over a decade in 10 large U.S. metro areas. It refurbishes outdated computers donated by companies for underserved residents, provides computer skills training and on-call technical support, and helps wire multi-family homes with free or low-cost internet service. PCs for People impact makes a real and immediate difference. Hundreds of thousands of underserved households served by this nonprofit see a 15% jump in their household incomes in the first year they have a PCs for People computer.
We need PCs for People in both the Richmond region and Hampton Roads market. Together we meet their expansion requirements – to be 3 million people with a trade area of 120 miles. PCs for People is now expanding into a few new large U.S. markets. We want them to do so here in our megaregion.
We had an incredibly successful kickoff meeting on May 30 to attract PCs for People to the Richmond region to Hampton Roads. There was a lot of enthusiasm – one participant remarked that bringing PCs for People to the megaregion was “a no brainer.” The PCs for People CEO was equally impressed by the excitement.
Below is a link to one of the recorded sessions from May 30 so you can review the presentation and listen to some of the Q&As: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/
Please join us on Tuesday, July 23 at 10 a.m. at the Virginia Peninsula Chamber of Commerce’s offices (11850 Merchants Walk, Suite 110, Newport News, VA 23606)
PCs for People’s CEO Casey Sorensen will visit Virginia in-person. His schedule includes meetings in Richmond on Monday July 22, followed by a drive to Williamsburg for a meeting that late afternoon/evening. On Tuesday July 23, he will hold meetings in Newport News in the morning and in Virginia Beach/Norfolk in the afternoon.
We hope your senior level executive responsible for disposal of outdated computers will join us for this meeting to show support and get this program running ASAP.
Please register here: https://bit.ly/2024-PCsforPeople
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Virginia Peninsula Chamber
11850 Merchants Walk, Suite 110
Newport News, VA 23606
Allie Carson
Send Email
Printed courtesy of www.virginiapeninsulachamber.com/ – Contact the Virginia Peninsula Chamber for more information.
11850 Merchants Walk, Suite 110, Newport News, VA 23606 – (757) 262-2000 – info@vpcc.org