As our communities begin to fully emerge from a very unsettling and unprecedented twelve months, we must focus our collective efforts on recovering and building resilience. A very important aspect of that is being a part of a strong, unified community that emphasizes its strengths and mitigates or corrects its weaknesses. Social capital is a set of shared values that enable people stand together in society and live harmoniously. Local social capital is a solid predictor of how well communities, neighborhoods and cities perform as engines of upward mobility for their citizens. Social capital influences many aspects of our lives including quality of life, education, health care and public safety. Come join us and our expert panel as we discuss reviving social capital in the 757.

757 VISION SERIES: Reviving Social Ca...
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
11:30 AM - 1:15 PM EDT
Thursday, April 29, 2021
11:30 AM - Registration & Sponsor Ads
12:00 PM - Presentation
Virtual via Zoom
*A second registration will be required to join. Link for second registration will be sent via the email used during the first registration.
Free Virtual Event
Contact Information
Elisa Campana
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